Category Archives: Hurricanes

Katrina Photo Sources

By | August 30, 2005

Katrina tag on Flickr Katrina clusters on Flickr There are links to slideshows are on the Sun Herald news page Yahoo News slideshow – link is in left column Clarion-Ledger 9/6/05 Clarion-Ledger 9/7/05 Clarion-Ledger 9/8/05 Clarion-Ledger 9/14/05 Clarion-Ledger 9/19/05 Clarion-Ledger 9/22/05 Clarion-Ledger 10/4/05 All Clarion-Ledger photos

Katrina Update

By | August 30, 2005

Updates from friends: Most houses and buildings that were on Hwy. 90 in Biloxi are gone, such as the Dantzler House and Church of the Redeemer President Casino at the Broadwater is only a barge, and it’s sitting in the parking lot of the Coliseum down the road Update: The President casino mostly survived, at… Read More »


By | August 29, 2005

The only really good news I have about the hurricane is that my mother made it through okay by going to east Mobile with some friends. Hopefully, her house back in Biloxi is still standing with minimal damage. The photo of this McDonald’s is haunting. This picture was taken at the south end of Edgewater… Read More »